Monday, December 19, 2011

A good night and a long day.

So they moved the neighbor girl out and we took advantage of it and moved to the other side of the room by the window. It was a peaceful night with no neighbors or beeping and to top it off we had the best nurse we've had since being here, his name was mike and he was really on top of things, it was nice and I didn't even have to hit the call light once. :)
Cashy woke up bright and early this am, at 6. He didn't want to go back to sleep so we played cars and watched the chipmunks. It's so funny and cute hearing him crack up at the movie, I love it!
Daddy came up and switched me out at 9:30 and radiation was scheduled for 10:45 but it was delayed until 1230. Poor guy was thirsty and hungry. The radiation oncologist resident came and talked to me before cashy went in to check him out and she talked About how they will switch to just the proton boosts to the tumor itself around the 29th, then we should be done after those 10 treatments. They are going to do a MRI next week to see how tumor has responded and so they can modify the radiation beam if it's shrunk to minimize damage to his optic nerves since the tumor is embedded into the nerves. Scary stuff.
He had his treatment and then they moved him to ultrasound while he was still sedated so the could do a ultrasound of his veins to find a proper vein for his picc line placement. So he finally got back up to his room around 4...a long day for the boy.
Daddy brought him a pizza to snack on and he ate a few bites, but he wasn't interested. we will give him some tube feedings tonight so at least he gets something. Thank god for the gtube.
He is so funny and particular about things, obsessive really. Like he loves these pj pants with basketball/baseballs/footballs on them, he cAlls them his ball pants, if he has a blow out in them, god forbid, he will NOT ketchup change them, it's a fight to get them off. It's really odd. Lol.
So tomorrow he goes in for radiation at 7:15 and will get his picc line placed at 8:30 after radiation while he's still sedated. Then hopefully I can convict docs to let him out and back to the Ronald McDonald on iv antibiotics that I can hook up (there are these antibiotic balls that go in over a set amount of time, then you just throw it awAy when it's done) and unhook to his iv and not have to be inpatient anymore. God please!!!! It's the only reason were there now.
So now daddy is with Cashy and colty and I just finished up 6 pages of homework that his teacher so graciously sent to keep him up to speed. I'm no teacher, believe me, but I've got him doing pretty good on his subtraction now though! :)
Once again, thank you all for taking the time to read our blog and thinking and praying for our family and most of all praying for a miracle for our little cancer warrior. I could not imagine life without my Cashy, the thought of it just rips my heart apart. We need a cure for all these innocent children. Merry Christmas everyone! Love you all!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing Kalli. The thought of losing Cashy rips my heart apart too.....

    Love you guys

  2. Happy to hear you had a more peaceful night last night; hope you do again! I'm sure the jammy pants and such is a comfort thing for him, sweet boy. He can't control a lot and while nothing feels "like home," he's holding onto comfort items. He's such a trooper! Definitely praying for him, your family, and that y'all can all go back to the Ronald McDonald house. ;)

  3. Yay-no more roomie! God bless that lil girl, but lil man needs his rest 2 deal with the long days. And God bless ALL the lil 1's that can hold thier own-don't know what our kids can handle til we can't do it 4 them.

  4. Thank You Kalli for sharing your precious little warrior with us! We are all rooting for him and praying for a miracle! Your family is so special to so many...Thank You for letting us all be a part of it! Faith- Hope- and LOVE!

  5. I check your blog daily and want you to know that my family is saying prayers for little Cashy. We pray for remission quickly, we pray for comfort during treatments, and we pray for strength and patience for his amazing family. Merry Christmas to your family also!!
    Sending love from Missoula :)

  6. Oh Kallie, yay for a good day! I hope the doc catches on to the antibiotic ball which you speak of. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I know for me, it helps my battle greatly to come by and visit with you. If little Cashy can do this, I have nothing to complain about. So much better to worry about someone else's troubles sometimes- though I would really rather it was something other then Cashy! I am so thankful every day that I come here and you have good news for us. I know what the battle is like very well, but I can only imagine how it is for one so small. I think of all of you every day, and so hope that you can find some sense of peace and normalcy sometime in the very near future.
